Training and authoring activities in the field of statistics

Online R workshop for data analysis in HR
The aim of the workshop at the Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences was the practice-oriented teaching of the basics of R programming and data analysis. In addition to an introduction to the user interface of R and RStudio, possibilities of data preparation and data management in R were shown and (simple) data analysis and visualisation were introduced. Finally, an overview of further functions of R (interactive web applications with Shiny, report generation with Markdown, etc.) was given.
The concrete work requirements in human resources formed the basis of the training. Relevant data sets were the basis of the practice-oriented exercise examples.
Brandenburg University of Applied Sciences

Practical application of cluster analysis with SPSS
Within the framework of a short training course, possible applications of cluster analysis (two-step method) using SPSS and its practical application for the formation of pain patient clusters were taught. The training was supplemented by subsequent statistical consulting.
December 2013 to January 2014

Autorentätigkeit im Bereich Statistik
Überarbeitung von zwei Studienheften im Modul empirische Sozialforschung durch Konzeption praxisorientierter Beispiele und Übungsaufgaben aus dem Bereich der Gesundheitsökonomie sowie einer anwendungsorientierten Einführung in PSPP.
- DETTMANN, M.; Kosbab, S. (2014). Statistische Methoden. Studienheft der APOLLON Hochschule der Gesundheitswirtschaft, Bremen.
- Kosbab, S.; DETTMANN, M. (2014). Grundlagen der Statistik. Studienheft der APOLLON Hochschule der Gesundheitswirtschaft, Bremen.
APOLLON Hochschule der Gesundheitswirtschaft GmbH, Bremen