Big Data Projects

Routine data in the health sector
The aim of the project is the processing of routine data / secondary data of a statutory health insurance for analyses in the field of health services research.
Meine Rolle / Verantwortlichkeit im Projekt: Plausibility checks, data processing and preparation for further analyses.
Performance period:
2021 / 2022
Universitätsklinikum Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE)

Evaluations based on rental and purchase price data as well as demand data from ImmobilienScout24 for various projects
Projects (selection):
- NBank (Investment and Development Bank of the State of Lower Saxony): Delivery of price data (rental and purchase prices) for residential properties 2016, 2017 and 2018 (Client: Investitions- und Förderbank des Landes Niedersachsen (NBank), Hannover)
- Data analysis for the contribution to the IBB Housing Market Report 2015 and 2016 ( Investitionsbank Berlin Brandenburg (IBB))
- Supply development of rental flats according to rent index fields (client: Deutscher Mieterbund)
- Analysis of the supply development on the housing market in Berlin: Comparison of the Berlin rent index (Mietspiegeltabelle 2013) with the re-letting asking rents of the internet portal Immobilienscout24 (Client: Berliner Mieterverein)
- Data analysis for the additional contribution in the BBU Market Monitor of the years 2014 (BBU-Marktmonitor2014) and 2015 (BBU-Marktmonitor 2015) (Client: Verband Berlin-Brandenburgischer Wohnungsunternehmen e.V. (BBU))
- Data analysis on the topic of rent increases in the wake of the delay of the rent brake in eleven selected cities (Regensburg, Cologne, Heidelberg, Mainz, Berlin, Hamburg, Darmstadt, Freiburg, Jena, Rostock and Leipzig) (Client: Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)
Meine Rolle / Verantwortlichkeit im Projekt: Data cleaning, statistical data analysis of offer and purchase price data and application data.
Performance period:
2013 to 2018
Project partner:
RegioKontext GmbH (Projektleitung)